Studio MarcoAngelo
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About MarcoAngelo
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Welcome to Studio MarcoAngelo Photography

Pictures from NSD Cindy Williams' national area events taking place during Mary Kay Pearl Seminar 2007 will appear here along with ordering instructions. Check back shortly after seminar ends.

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Custom Photomosaics

A photomosaic is a large picture made up of a large number of tiny pictures carefully selected to approximate the details in the larger picture. The small pictures are like individual mosaic tiles. A computer program can find the pictures that best match any part of a larger image.

Customized photomosaics can be created using a target image of your choice using a database of your own digital pictures, resulting in a truly unique image. This technique is best applied to making a large poster-sized image, such as 16x20, 20x24 or 20x30 or even larger, and using a large number of your own images, at least 500 or 1,000 depending on variety and the type of target image to be created.

Photomosaic preview

Photomosaic movie preview  


Click here to see information about custom photomosaics using your own pictures to form a target image of your choice.

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Check out the photo gallery to view larger versions of the small thumbnail photos used on the pages of this website.

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